Peter Ammann
Peter Ammann, Ph.D., is a founding member of the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAPZurich), where he is a lecturer, training analyst and supervisor. After training as a cellist he entered Jungian studies, encouraged by Jung himself as well as by his analysts, Jolande Jacobi and Marie-Louise von Franz, and graduated from the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich in 1965. At the same time he gained his doctorate at the University of Zürich in the fields of musicology, history of religion and ethnology. He maintains a private practice in Zürich and is lecturing internationally. Pursuing his dream of becoming a filmmaker, he apprenticed with Federico Fellini for the making of Satyricon. His encounter with Laurens van der Post inspired his enduring interests in Africa, the Bushpeople, their rock paintings, and in integrating a Jungian perspective into his documentary films. For many years he has been engaged in promoting a dialogue between Jungian Analysts and Traditional Healers in South Africa.

Suzanne Wagner, Ph.D.
Suzanne Wagner, Ph.D. is a Jungian analyst who practiced in Sausalito, CA, now retired. She was co-director with her husband George Wagner of the Film Archive Project at the Jung Institute of Los Angeles and later the founder and president of the Kairos Film Foundation. This project produced the feature documentary Matter of Heart, which was shown in theaters all over the word, another hour-long film, The World Within, which included some of the first images gathered on film from Jung’s Redbook. The final work of the project was the production of the Remembering Jung series which consists of thirty hour-long individual interviews. All of the films are now available through the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and on YouTube. Suzanne was certified as a Jungian analyst in 1973 at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. Through many years she served on committees, taught in the training program and presented papers in several public programs. In 1993, after moving to Northern California, Suzanne joined the San Francisco Jung Institute and served on various committees. She taught in the training program in San Francisco and presented in public programs on themes of archetypal dreams, the death and rebirth aspects of the great mother archetype, the nature of numinous experience and the emergence of new spiritual values.